Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church
Members of Session:
Nic Bentley, Diane Grohs, Marsha Johnson, Jim Longstreth,
Linda Natale (Clerk), and Paul Smith
Interim Pastor: Rev. Sandra Hackett
In worship, we are spending the summer in the company of David, an Old Testament character whose story is told in more detail than any other. I’m referencing a book by Eugene Peterson called “Leap Over a Wall”, where he says this:
“David deals with God. As an instance of humanity in himself, he isn’t much. He has little wisdom to pass on to us on how to live successfully. He was an unfortunate parent and an unfaithful husband. From a purely historical viewpoint, he was a barbaric (Iron Age) chieftain with a talent for poetry. But David’s importance isn’t in his morality or his military prowess but in his experience of and witness to God. Every event in his life was a confrontation with God.” (p.5)
Many of these events happen between the time David is anointed King and when he actually ascends to the throne. Saul refuses to step aside for many years, and we get a detailed picture of the chaos that ensues. Those are the stories we will focus on. David, confronting God in events far beyond his control.
Grace and peace to you and yours,
Pastor Sandy
3 Jo Brenton
3 Yeonhee Kim
7 Marsha Johnson
11 Carol Moore
19 Akpene Adzasu
20 Phyllis Huie
22 Steve LaFollette
29 Susan Bryant
Engaging and Connecting Opportunities this Week
There are Zoom links for each activity at the end of this newsletter.
Sunday: 10:00 AM Worship
In the Sanctuary and on Zoom
11:00 Coffee and Conversation in the Commons
3:00-5:00 PM Life Beyond Breakup, on third Sundays, in the Parlor
Monday: 12:00-1:30PM Knitting Together on Zoom
Tuesday 5:30 Happy Hour on Zoom
Thursday: 12:30-1:00 Prayer Partners on Zoom
Please continue to pray for these and others. Midday Zoom Prayer is on Thursday at 12:30 PM. See link below.
For wisdom, calm, and God’s peace in our country, that we may love our neighbors as ourselves.
For our church, and for the pastor God is preparing to join us.
Thanks for all the people utilizing Taborspace. Pray for our staff and our new manager Talbot Wallace. He started work on June 21 in a 3/4 time position. We are grateful for his work and experience in our community!
For TJ to find a job in Portland that satisfies his visa requirements and allows TJ and Yeonhee to keep living here.
For Byron Natale, recovering from Covid.
For safety for the city of Portland, and for people to keep safe, especially those living on the streets as summer temperatures soar.
For those with mental illness and those who care for them: Nathan, Wendy, Michael, and Gabriel. For Corrine and Gordon, Julie, Dianne and Tommy with ongoing health issues. For Wendy who is in transition with housing.
O Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.
Please call Marilyn Small, Elaine Markuson, Patti Moomaw, or Lindy Rautio to submit prayer requests or simply to talk. You may also email Karen Preston – host of the Prayer Partners Prayer chain –
Links for the week:
If you are new to Zoom, here is a 1-page guide to get started:
Sunday Hybrid Worship – 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 620 874 203 Passcode: 319046
Or, call in by phone +1 253 215 8782
enter the meeting ID followed by #
enter the participation code: #
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Knitting Together – Monday noon -1:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 510 302 291
Passcode: 677143
Join by dial-up phone +1 253 215 8782.
enter the meeting ID followed by #
enter the participation code: #
enter the passcode, followed by #
Our Morning Bible Study – Second Tuesdays, September through May, 10am – 12pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 7622 0492
Passcode: 552129
Or, call in by phone +1 253 215 8782
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enter the participation code: #
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Happy Hour, or BYO Beverage Social Hour – Tuesday, 5:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 870 7072 5060
Passcode: 091248
Join by dial-up phone +1 253 215 8782,
enter the meeting ID followed by #
enter the participation code: #
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Midday Prayer – Thursday 12:30 – 1:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 357 997 983
Passcode: 139219
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Book Group – Thursday 6:30 PM, Sept through May
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 9528 5358
Passcode: 841113
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enter the participation code: #
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Our Mailing address is:
5441 SE Belmont St.
Portland, OR 97215
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